Can you Erect a Marquee on a Slope?

It’s not uncommon to require a marquee on a ground that isn’t perfectly level. As a result, customers often pose queries at the initial enquiry stage to discover if our marquees will go on a slope. While no two inclines are the same, we aim to solve the problem presented by uneven footings.

Gentle Incline & Uneven Grounds

A gentle slope or patches of uneven terrain is likely to generate more problems for seated events than standing/mingling. Either way, we would recommend a boarded flooring rather than carpet, enabling the imperfections and deviances to be negated.


Pronounced Slopes

Additional costs are incurred when the ground has apparent challenges, including a pronounced slope or heavily rutted. The workaround is a raised boarded base atop a scaffold frame. With the flexibility and durability of scaffolding, we can achieve a spirit level sound base to house your marquee.

Take a look at a recent marquee erected on a site with a 2-foot slope over a clients garden. Due to the versatility of the steel post scaffold base, we were able to utilise the entire space available, a mixture of stone flagging and turf.

Looking to Erect a Marquee on Uneven Ground in Yorkshire?

We’d love to hear from you if you’re unsure whether your site can house a marquee. Our team is vastly experienced in all aspects of marquee installations and will be able to guide you through the options available. Get in touch today.

Title photo by Jeremy Wong Weddings

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